
“ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.”
-       The Family: A Proclamation to the World

I wish for every one to know, right now, that gender IS ESSENTIAL.

In the world we live in today we are all looking for reasons for men and women to be equal.  Why is that? 
Do women want to be like men?  Are men wanting to be more like women?  Is it because diversity is so widespread that now everyone wants to be the same?
Whatever the reason, I believe men and women are meant to be different.

Men and women have some very different characteristics.  These characteristic are what separate men from women and women from men.  For example, men tend to be more active, tough, and protective, while women tend to be gentle, creative, and nurturing.
These “tend to be” lists are what segregate males from females.  I feel everybody conditions these lists, meaning:  if a boy acts more feminine people tend to treat him feminine, and if a girl acts more masculine we tend to treat her more masculine.

Why is it so bad that men and women are different?
Think about this:
While men and women are different, is it possible to have interchangeable characteristics?  
I know it is.
As I look for my future husband I don’t only want him to be active, tough, and protective, but I also want him to be gentle, creative, and nurturing.  I would also hope that my future husband wants me to be active, tough, and protective.

Marrying the opposite gender makes complete sense.  A man cannot complete his role without the complement of a woman’s role.  A woman cannot complete her role without the complement of a man’s role.

I feel inclined to talk about children and their divine roles.  Just because parents are more grown up and may have more experience than a child, this does not mean they should interfere with a child’s growth.  Puberty is a crucial part of a person’s life, so why do some parents feel inclined to prevent puberty from taking it’s course?
I mentioned in the beginning how children will sometimes act like their opposite gender, and how grown–ups will treat children in the manner that they act.

From infancy we define children by the way they act.  Often times, parents with a homosexual son will tell people they knew their son was homosexual since the age of four (or from a very young age).  They then back their answer up with, “The way my son acted suggested he had different feelings from normal people,” or “all we needed to see was the way he acted to know he is homosexual”.
This baffles me because this is telling us that people categorize who a child is to become.
It’s like a cycle.
First, we see how the child acts.  Let’s say it’s a boy acting feminine.
Second, we treat the boy as he is acting: more feminine.
By the time the boy has grown, that is all he knows.

I feel we must not forget that we are all God’s children, which means our children are God’s children.  Just because parents, guardians, or mentors are older does not mean they should infringe on a child’s sexuality.  God want’s all of His children to fulfill their purpose.

I testify that marriage is between a man and woman.  I know with all my heart and mind that gender is a very important part of who we are and our purpose.  I believe we all need to honor the strengths and abilities of each gender.  As we do, I now we will strengthen our own characteristics and become better equipped to fulfilling our purpose.
I am so blessed to have a mother who teaches me to be nurturing and a father who teaches me to be practical.  Together they are teaching me how to be a future mother.
I love children.  I am so happy for the day when I will be married to a worthy man and have children of my own.  I believe God want’s all of us to have families of our own.  I know He want’s us to raise our children in the words and footsteps of Christ.

I invite you to read The Family: A Proclamation to the World.  
I know this proclamation is true.  
I invite you to pray of its truthfulness.


May 15, 2016

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