
Eat. Pray. Date.
 There are just over 7 billion people on the earth today.  Out of that 7 billion, there are slightly more men than there are women.  Out of all the people on earth, how are we expected to find the ‘perfect other’ or the ‘one for me’?

I believe dating is something we all think about.  Little kids know about dating, but to them it is gross because the opposite sex has cooties.  Teenagers think about dating all the time because it is commonly ‘uncool’ to go without a boyfriend or girlfriend.  I’m sure parents constantly wonder and worry about the kinds of people their kids will date.

No matter who you are, dating means something to you. 

Dating is preparation for marriage.
There are three things in which I believe are important to seek when dating:
1.    TOGETHERNESS is sharing a range of activities.  These activities should include learning, adventure, and interest.  I know I don’t want all of my dates to consist of watching Netflix because all I learn about the other is what shows they like.  I might learn a little about them, but I know I would learn a lot more if we were to go hiking, camping, or even on a drive.
2.    TALKING is mutual self disclosure.  This is how you get to know the other person.  You learn their interest, likes, and hobbies.  From learning about the other person, you may find them interesting or even learn you have the same interests.  This is also how you learn to communicate with the other, how you feel about specific topics, and where you see yourself in the future.
3.    TIME is letting the other person know you value them.  The time you spend with the other person should be time well spent.  Doing activities together that help each other grow closer is a wonderful thing.

The world has effectively confused the terms hanging out and dating.
Is it because the definition of dating has changed so drastically?
Or is it because proper dating has not been promoted within the family unit?
The three distinct differences between hanging out and dating are:
Paid for
Paired off
When these three things are applied then it is, for sure, a date.

Nowadays, society believes that if you date someone you have to go exclusive or even inevitably end up marrying.
Dating is not meant to be this way.  Everyone should date a wide variety of people in many different ways.  Dating is a guy and a girl learning and growing from each other; it is an opportunity for them to practice their skills that they will later use in courtship, engagement, and marriage.  Dating should be fun, and with a variation of people.
Often times, I feel that when people date like this, they are marked for being a ‘player’.  Why do we feel the need to put a mark on someone who is going through the steps of proper dating?
Is it jealousy?
Possibly because our generations have not been taught proper dating?
Regardless the answer, we all need to be aware of the stage of dating we are in.  We need to gain experience so we can make decisions.  We actively need to represent and seek out what we are looking for.

Each phase in the dating process is meant to be specific for different times in your life.Dating is an introduction to courtship.Courtship is an introduction to engagement.Engagement is an introduction to marriage.Ultimately each step is preparing you for marriage and family.

I know prophets today talk with the Lord and guide His church.
I know they receive revelation for all of us, so we may be better prepared and informed to make it though this life.
I know as we all follow the prophets and apostles counsel of dating, we will be blessed.
There are so many great blessings that come from Heaven as we follow the prophet.
I am so grateful for my family, who over the years have been by my side and supported me in my endeavors of dating.
I encourage everyone to read the words and seek answers about their personal dating lives.
I know that as we each seek these answers, we will be rewarded.
May 29, 2016

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