
About Me

Hi there!
So glad you found my blog.
Here is a little bit about me.

My name is Ashley Porter, no middle name just Ashley Porter.  My birth state is Oregon, but home is wherever my family is.  Growing up my dad had a job that moved us lots of places.  We've been to Colorado, California, Utah, Ohio, and currently Germany- not to mention all the wonderful family trips my family has taken together.  I am one of five children in my family.  Being the second oldest is the best because I come after the practice child (my older sister) and I get all the perks of being an older sister to my younger siblings.  

Growing up I can honestly say I loved my dad's job, but only when we were settled in.  I hated leaving our church ward, school, and especially friends.  Over time I realized with each new home, meeting new people was the most effective way to make the most out of each new place.  That was and still is my favorite part about life- meeting new people.  The opportunities I’ve had to meet new people has been a huge blessing in my life.

My home is a wonderful place.  From a young age my parents taught me how to love.  They taught me and my siblings the importance of charity.  We had daily conversations about Christ and his unconditional love for everybody that ever waked the earth.  I am fortunate to live in a house with both of my parents.  I know they love each other very much in the way they talk and treat each other- not to mention they give each other lots of kisses in front of us kids.  My parents are the coolest people I've ever known.

My hobbies include DIY projects, dirt biking, writing, dancing, painting, puzzles, singing, cooking, snorkelling, reading, skydiving, photography, hiking, leather crafting, modelling, ice-skating, and quilting.  You're probably reading this and thinking: there is no way this girl has all these hobbies.  While I haven't done some of these totally awesome things, I have done a lot.
First, I love to tackle a good DIY project.  Most of the time, I'd say 70%, I accomplish my projects and they actually turn out decent.  
Second, hiking, reading, writing, dancing, painting, puzzles, singing, cooking, ice-skating, quilting, photography, and modelling are all talents I enjoy improving whenever and wherever I can.  
Third, I have never been dirt biking, snorkelling, or legitimate skydiving- I have been indoor skydiving.  These are three of the many things I wish to accomplish due to the fact they are on my bucket list.  
Lastly, I have legitimately done leather crafting before.  I worked at an amusement park for a summer and one of the jobs was to know how to operate the leather etcher for guests to customize their own bracelet or necklace.  

Currently I am a student at Brigham Young University Idaho majoring in business management with an emphasis in marketing.  I recently put in missionary papers to be a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  

One piece of knowledge I know to be true is that Jesus Christ loves me.  He loves you.  He is our Savior and Redeemer.  I know by loving others like Christ loves, we can all draw nearer unto Him.  

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